Money Mindset

11 Jedi Mind Tricks to Change the Way You Think About Money

How to become a member of the “Financial Freedom” club

Michelle Jaqua
15 min readJun 3, 2018


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I’ve always had a positive relationship with money. I don’t know why, but it comes naturally for me. It may be because I grew up poor, with a single mother who worked three jobs and I became conditioned to living with very little and viewing money in a unique way.

The way I’ve mentally approached money and how to make it work for me has helped me remain abundant even in my down times. I want to pass on my mind tricks to you to help you create a more positive relationship with your money.

Follow these mantras and you can start leading a more positive relationship with your finances.

“I have enough money”

When you live in a mindset that you never have enough money, you’re going to act that out in real life. You will always be wanting for more money. If you think to yourself that you have enough, you’re able to make ends meet, and you will be able to live off of what you make, then you’ll find this starts to become true for you.

This isn’t magical thinking that I’m talking about. It’s not like money is going to start to appear because you’re wishing for it (although that has actually happened to me). I’m talking more about changing the inner talk you have, telling yourself you’ll have enough, that you’re working towards being financially responsible, rather than an inner talk of fret that you can’t make ends meet, you’re always poor, and money will always be elusive and beyond your grasp.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ~Theodore Roosevelt

Never believe you don’t have enough money. That’s like starting in the hole and never recovering, no matter how hard you work.

Changing your mindset will be the first step in working towards your abundance. You still have to do the hard work, but do it with the mindset that you’ll have enough.

This is probably the hardest mindset to change, but it will make the most difference. If you tell yourself you have enough money, you will set yourself up to accomplish…



Michelle Jaqua

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago