Becoming Aware That You’re Not Just Fat, Part 2: Signs That Show You’re Prone to Lipedema
These identifiers made me realize I had Lipedema
When I was researching Lipedema, I didn’t know anything about the condition. I’d never heard of it as a nurse, and I’m familiar with many rare diseases.
But I found out Lipedema isn’t so rare. In fact, it’s not rare at all (Well, it is rare in men). Lipedema can affect up to 11% of women. That is 1 in 9 women who have lipedema, which means you or someone you know has this disease.
With that many women, it would seem that Lipedema is as well-known as breast cancer, diabetes, or endometriosis.
However, Lipedema is one of the most underdiagnosed diseases known.
So, I dove head first into finding out about this disease after being diagnosed. Below is a list of identifiers for women to take into consideration if they fit into the model of someone with Lipedema.
Signs that you are prone to Lipedema
Again, this is not a diagnostic tool. This is guidance for you, so you can start finding answers to your health problems. These identifiers made me realize I had Lipedema. I have all of these signs. How many do you have?
- A genetic component: Does your mom, aunt, grandmother, or other female relative carry a lot of weight in her butt and thighs with rippled cellulite? Does she have cankles (thick, swollen ankles)? If you have a female relative with lipedema, you’re more likely to have it too.
- Hyperflexibility: Can you bend forward and lay your palms flat on the floor without bending your knees? Can you pull your thumb down and touch it to your forearm? Can you hyperextend your elbow? This is hypermobility. Women with lipedema are usually hypermobile.
- You can’t lose weight no matter how much you diet and exercise: Although you may not be obese, there will come a point when you can’t lose weight. Lipedema shows itself during three significant hormonal surges in a woman’s life: puberty, childbirth, and menopause. If you’ve found it impossible to lose weight after one of these life events, this may indicate lipedema.
- Bruises easily: Have you looked down and found bruises on your legs and have no idea how you got them? Women with lipedema bruise easily. We usually have a bruise somewhere on our body, and we have no idea how we got it.
- Hypothermic skin: Is your skin cool to the touch and spongy in the areas where the fatty tissue collects? These areas are mostly the hips, thighs, and/or buttocks, but they can be anywhere on your body.
- Brain fog: Are there times when you can’t think straight or feel a bit dazed? This is brain fog, and women with lipedema experience this symptom.
- You’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia: Many women with lipedema get wrongly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. This is because there are overlapping signs and symptoms of both diseases. If you want to read more about this, go here.
When I read these identifiers, I checked off all of these coinciding conditions. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. I finally realized what was wrong with me.
If you’re noticing the same, I highly encourage you to look further into a Lipedema diagnosis and treatment.
Part 1 has been previously published. Go here to read it!
Do you have Lipedema, or think you might? You’ve come to the right place!
Read more from posts like this in my Lipedema newsletter: I talk about managing this chronic condition and getting approved for lipedema surgery.
Go to my website:, and make an appointment with me to discuss where you are in your Lipedema journey and what help you need (diagnosis, conservative care, lipo surgery) for treatment.