Celebrating My Children When They Are Adults

It’s different than when they were little kids

Michelle Jaqua
4 min readOct 13, 2020

My son had his 28th birthday last Friday. He has the same birthday as John Lennon. He relates more to sharing his birthday with Leif Eriksson.

Today, we celebrate him as a family.

It won’t be more than having a small gathering for dinner at home with a menu that he wants (chicken schnitzel, mashed potatoes and gravy, sauerkraut, coleslaw, and pickled beets). He doesn’t want a cake. He doesn’t like cake so much and he still has two cakes at his home from his friends. So, my husband and I got him a one-serving pumpkin cheesecake, with some apple crisp for the rest of us we baked a few days ago. And ice cream of course. You must have ice cream for birthday celebrations.

I already gave him a birthday gift. It was a down blanket and some belay glasses he really wanted for rock climbing.

He and his sister both get off work after 5pm. I’ll have dinner waiting here at 6pm. They will most likely be back home before 9pm.

Photo by Aneta Pawlik on Unsplash

When my kids for young, birthdays were a big deal. I always believed you should…



Michelle Jaqua

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago