Christmas is Cancelled This Year in My Household

We have too much going on to celebrate

Michelle Jaqua
3 min readDec 25, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Yesterday while wrapping presents, I poked myself in the eye. I can’t remember exactly what I was doing, maybe pulling a ribbon tight or taping together a package. What I do remember is that my hand slipped and my thumbnail gouged the middle of my right eye.

If you’ve ever had your cornea scratched, you know the pain is excruciating. All I could do is place my palm over my shut eye and endure the agony.

While I was nursing my eye, my husband, Mike, was at the hospital with his mom. She has some dementia and lives at an assisted living facility with her husband, Mike’s dad. She fell last Sunday and broke her hip. Today, Mike was sitting with her after her surgery last evening. She’s been having a difficult time, so he and his sister have been taking turns staying with her. Fortunately, it’s the same hospital where we work, so we know all the nurses and doctors there.

I was worried more about Mike more than my eye, because he had his own medical issues last week that took him to the emergency room three times in five days. Fortunately, he’s feeling better.

However, my eye has gotten much worse. I went to an urgent care last evening and was told I socked myself pretty good. They gave me an antibiotic…



Michelle Jaqua

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago