The Earth Has Her Own Chakras

I visited the Earth’s Root Chakra last week

Michelle Jaqua
3 min readJun 30, 2020
map of earth’s chakras

Although things are radically changing in our country and in the world, our personal changes have slowed down and been placed in limbo this year. I haven’t accomplished anything this year, and was taken off my job in March. Most of the time since then has been a dissociative blur of constantly changing events in the world, and it’s been scary, uneasy, and depressing. These are feelings that reflect major change happening, and people are coping with the monumental changes in their own ways.

Internally, I can feel this change in the world as a new order emerges. I can see that life will be different in many ways on the other side of this pandemic. I’m just not sure which direction it will go. It appears we’ll be either heading towards a domineering society that is controlled by an autocratic demagogue, or we will become enlightened into a new perspective of who we are to each other, and how we interact and respect our fellow beings. I’m hoping for the latter.

We’ve all been through a lot of turmoil in the past few months. All of our plans for the year have been placed on hold. My spouse and I planned a trip to Sitka, Alaska, his home birthplace. But COVID canceled those plans. With the time off already scheduled, we decided to take a road trip to see the remote areas of…



Michelle Jaqua

Advocate for Women / Owner of Lipedema and Me and The Virago